SLOW DOWN THE GAME by speeding up your brain. Baseball Sunglasses to improve reaction time and focus.

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SLOW DOWN THE GAME with Strobe Sport glasses.

Slow down the game.

SLOW DOWN THE GAME by speeding up your brain. Baseball Sunglasses to improve reaction time and focus. Learn to slow down the game and process info faster. How does an athlete slow down the game? Remember when you are ‘in the zone’ and how that feels. The game seems slower, easier. Your confidence is high. No distractions. You just see and react. Your brain is working at a high speed (without distractions slowing it down) and your focus is amazing (you see everything so clearly). You are giving your brain the best, most relevant info and it becomes a super efficient computer.

Speed up your brain.

Sure I want to speed up my brain but how do I do it? Your brain is naturally lazy. It seeks to use the least amount of effort and any given time. It gets bored easily and loses focus. If you’ve done a number of reps in a sport you have gotten your brain better to focus and work faster. As much as you push it to work faster/better it still wants to push back. You end up fighting your own brain! Putting resistance on the brain by taking away some visual stimuli MAKES the brain ‘wake up’ and work harder. Why? You have robbed the brain of some of its ‘food’ and it responds and works faster/harder/more efficiently to get its ‘food’.

Here’s how we speed up your brain and slow down the game. Baseball Sunglasses to improve reaction time and focus.

Let’s speed up your brain. The faster your brain captures and processes info/stimuli the sooner your can move (reaction time) or wait to move. Strobe Sport glasses flash or ‘strobe’ alternating from clear to opaque lenses. When the lenses are clear the brain MUST work faster to capture its info/stimuli before they go opaque. The brain also learns to be more picky about the info/stimuli it captures and learns to ignore irrelevant info/stimuli (better focus). These are training glasses. Use them safely with your drills such as tee work, front toss, short hops, catching passes, throwing passes, putting, chipping, passing/dribbling a soccer ball, etc. Always finish doing drill with the glasses off. This is where you will see the difference.

Stroboscopic Training Enhances Anticipatory Timing. Baseball Sunglasses to improve reaction time and focus.

SLOW DOWN THE GAME by speeding up your brain. Learn about these Baseball Sunglasses to improve reaction time and focus. Science supports the efficacy (how effective) of training with Strobe Sport glasses. Even with the old strobe technology it is supported. See link. After training with the glasses for as little as 5 minutes every athlete will experience a difference. The most common response is, “everything seems slower and the ball is clearer”. You have put resistance on your brain, like lifting weights, and it has responded by learning to work faster (the same slows down) and more efficiently (less or no distractions). The ‘food’ your brain is capturing is the most relevant info/stimuli. Allowing distractions, interior/exterior factors, to be processed take more time to do so (worsens reaction time) and dilutes the relevant info/stimuli (increase inconsistency).

Do you want to play at the next level?

If you want to play at the next level you have to learn to slow down the game & process info faster. The game keeps getting faster as you move up levels. Your focus has to get better. Strobe Sport glasses can train your brain to be able to play at the next level. You don’t have to be the most physical athlete to play at the next level. If you process info faster and feed your brain great info (and ignore distraction) your brain will move you sooner into positions for success. You may not make as many splashy plays than a more physically gifted athlete but you will be more consistent. There are many physically gifted athletes that underperform and that is due to inconsistent focus and allowing irrelevant info/stimuli to be processed. Train your brain to be faster and more efficient and you will reach your athletic heights.

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