ACL- Best Exercises for ACL Rehabilitation

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The anterior cruciate ligament is a vital ligament in the middle of the knee. It is the most frequently damaged ligament due to tearing and overstretching. They affect the knee’s stability and lead to restriction in the range of motion. Injuries to the ACL are common and often require surgery. Practitioners recommend physical therapy after the surgery for a smooth rehabilitation process. ACL rehabilitation guarantees full recovery and strength restoration. Adhering to the following set of post-ACL surgery exercises will set you on the right path toward recovery.

Heel Slides

This is one of the most effective exercises as it allows you to extend your knees without bearing a lot of weight. You only need to sit on the floor with your legs outstretched and slowly bend the knee while sliding the heel across the floor towards you. You then slowly slide the foot back into the starting point and repeat at least ten times. These exercises increase the range of motion to your knee, hence improving mobility and flexibility. They also keep your leg active, thus relieving pain and boosting circulation, making you feel better overall.

Isometric Quad Contractions

In this exercise, you’ll use your quadriceps while sitting on a flat surface. You should stretch the injured leg and bend the healthy one. Then, you can gently contract the quadriceps of the injured knee without moving either leg. Contract and hold for at least ten seconds and relax. You can repeat the exercise several times a day for optimal results.

Single-Leg Quarter Squat

This exercise involves standing with one knee bent up and holding onto a stick. It requires you to straighten the standing leg while tightening the thigh muscles. You should then slowly bend the knee a quarter down while ensuring it stays in line with the third toe. Straighten back up after a few seconds maintaining the contraction of the thigh muscles.

Passive Knee Extensions

You will need two chairs for the passive knee extensions. You’ll sit on one and place your heel on the seat of the other. You then need to relax and let your knee straighten while resting in the same position for at least two minutes several times a day. It will help to stretch out the hamstrings.

Standing On One Leg

Standing on one leg might look like a simple exercise, but it can play a vital role in rebuilding your strength and balance over time. In this case, you stand on two feet, slowly lift the uninjured leg, and hold it in place. Try standing on the injured leg for up to ten seconds without assistance several times a day.

Final Word

 While you can perform these exercises at home, you might need the assistance of a physical therapist. Your knee may be quite fragile after the surgery, so it’s vital to have a professional’s guidance to avoid movements that might worsen your condition. Also, you may need to incorporate  Strobe Sports eyewear in your exercises. The glasses are designed to help you maintain optimal balance while performing these exercises.

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