Football Training Videos

Football Training with Strobe Glasses

Receivers, quarterbacks and all positions looking to improve their reaction time, focus and balance can do so with Strobe Training Glasses.

Quarterback Throwing with Strobe Sport Training Glasses

Making quarterbacks work harder to pick up their receiver and make accurate throws. With the Strobe Sport Training Glasses the brain is denied all of its usual stimuli/cues so it adapts and learns to capture info sooner and process it faster. The result is better reaction time (faster processing) and better focus (ignoring irrelevant info/stimuli). The brains of elite athlete work faster and more efficiently. When we train with additional resistance it make the drills harder but it allows the quarterback to learn to be successful in critical moments. Train in the chaos and the chaos becomes less chaotic.

Arizona Receiver Academy w/ Strobe Glasses

Young receivers training their brains to work faster, process stimuli faster which results in better reaction time. The Strobe Glasses trains the brain to ignore irrelevant stimuli (internal/external pressure, etc) which results in better focus and a more efficient brain. After training with the glasses the athletes pick up the ball sooner, move their body sooner and gives their brain the best info necessary to move successfully and consistently. Train in the chaos and the chaos becomes let chaotic.

Football Receiver Training with Strobe Sport Training Glasses

See the ball. Catch the ball. See the ball sooner and its easier to catch. See the ball clearer (better focus) and its easier to catch. It sounds simple. The brain is the thing in charge of how we move, the decisions we make and when we make them. Strobe Sport Training Glasses puts resistance on the brain and the brain adapts to process info faster and be more efficient. When the brain learns to eliminate distractions (irrelevant info) performance anxiety and self-doubt are removed.

Football Ladder Agility w/ Strobe Sport Training Glasses

Strobe Sport Training Glasses can help football players with their footwork and agility while learning balance and body awareness. Here is a linebacker working on quick feet and ending up having to catch a football with the Strobe Sport Glasses. When the brain and body are challenged they will find a way to be successful. Make training harder. Train in the chaos and when you play in the chaos the game becomes slower. Reduce your performance anxiety and increase your decision making. Improve reaction time. Improve focus. Be a quicker, more efficient athlete.

Strobe Football Glasses - NFL All-PRO Wide Reciever FOCUS.BALANCE.REACTION TIME

Overtrain to make competition easier. Notice this NFL WR using the Strobe Sport glasses while balancing on a bosu ball. He has on arm restraints and and is thrown footballs. This is an elite level of training that all athletes should do to challenge themselves. When we put the brain/body in a position of resistance the brain WILL find a way to succeed. After training like this (even for 5 minutes) the brain learns to process info faster and capture and maintain a high level of focus while learning body control. The brain has a HUGE capacity to develop but it is lazy and doesn’t like to work harder than necessary. Make the brain work harder and you will see how much quicker, more efficiently you can compete.

Pass Catching with Strobe Sport Training Glasses

This video shows an NFL athlete working with the Strobe Sport Training Glasses for the first time catching passes. Start easy but check with the athlete about throwing the ball faster or turn up the level of the flicker/flash on the glasses. The glasses take away visual stimuli/cues that the athlete would regularly have to process. The brain responds by having to work faster to capture its stimuli/cues and being more picky about the stimuli/cues that it captures. The result is a faster (reaction time) and more efficient (better focus) brain. The brain will improve if we put it in a position to do so. It is naturally lazy and doesn’t like to have to work harder than necessary. Challenge your brain and it will adapt to perform at a higher level than you perform at currently.

Quarterback Hurdle Shuffle Throw w/ Strobe Sport Training Glasses

Make every drill you do harder. Challenge the brain and it will adapt. When you out resistance on the brain it learns to be successful with the resistance. After training with the Strobe Sport Training Glasses your anxiety is reduced. You see your receiver and the movements of the defense sooner. Your reaction time is improved. Better decisions are made. Performance and consistency in improved. This is how the brains of elite athletes work.

Quarterback Training with Strobe Glasses

Youth QB’s getting their work done with Strobe Training Glasses. Going through their paces with the glasses MAKES the brain have to learn be work faster (think of 3G processor to a 5G) which allows for greater reaction time. When we create a faster, more efficient brain is can move the body in a position for success more consistently with less anxiety. Elite athletes perform better because their level of focus gives the brain the best, most relevant stimuli while ignoring irrelevant stimuli which puts a drag on the brain and makes for inconsistent performance.

Football Lateral Hurdle Turn and Sprint

Strobe Sport Training Glasses can help football players with their footwork and agility while learning balance and body awareness. Here is a young athlete working on quick feet and reaction time with the Strobe Sport Glasses. When the brain and body are challenged they will find a way to be successful. Make training harder. Train in the chaos and when you play in the chaos the game becomes slower. Reduce your performance anxiety and increase your decision-making. Improve reaction time. Improve focus. Be a quicker, more efficient athlete.

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