Golf Training Videos

PGA Professional, Ben Weir, puts Greg Avant through chipping drills with the Strobe Training Glasses

Strobe Training Glasses MAKES the brain have to feel and make adjustments. Greg makes adjustments from hitting right to align the body is a better position. Ben creates resistance by taking away visual stimuli and the result is that Greg doesn’t have the ‘bandwidth’ to process everything in his surrounding, internally and externally. He uses his ‘bandwidth’ to focus on the most relevant info needed to move the club successfully and ignore the irrelevant info. His focus is boiled down and clears his mind and quiets his body. When we don’t perform well our head is filled with thoughts, ideas, stimuli that get in the way of performing successfully and consistently. We can train our brain to learn how to ignore unnecessary stimuli which give us better food for the brain. The brain works more efficiently and performs more consistently. 

Chipping after training with Strobe Glasses. Hear Greg Avant's feedback and Ben Weir's instruction.

After training with the Strobe Glasses Ben Weir puts Greg Avant through the paces of chipping without the glasses. Hear what Greg has to say about how his brain and body respond hitting balls after training with the Strobe Glasses. Reduce anxiety. Clear the mind. Feel the shot. Trust your stroke. Thanks to Greg, owner/operator of Lone Tree Golf Club in Chandler, AZ 

Make sure you are successful with a shot before increasing the difficulty.

Make adjustments between shots and make sure you are successful before moving on to another shot. We want to make the training difficult but not too difficult. If it becomes too difficult change the Strobe Glasses to a lower level. Once you are successful and comfortable move on to a more difficult level. You will be surprised that the brain WILL find a way for you to be successful. If we challenge the brain it will respond. If we don’t, the brain is lazy and only focuses as much as it wants before moving on to something else. The brain gets bored. We CAN train the brain to have and keep better focus. Think of it like resistance training for your brain. Consistent training, 2-3x per week for 10-20 minutes will maintain that level of focus and feel. Thanks to Greg Avant, Southwest Golf Professional of the Year and owner/operator of Lone Tree Golf Club and Ben Weir, PGA Golf Professional at Check them both out as they are 2 of the best PGA Professionals in the Southwest.

Chipping with 54 & 60 degree wedges and the Strobe Glasses to keep the body/brain working harder.

Ben Weir challenges Greg Avant to chip with the Strobe Glasses from different locations and different lofts. The brain must figure out the ‘feel’ and locate/focus the target more intensely. When the Strobe Glasses takes away visual info/stimuli and can increase difficulty by increasing the levels of occlusion the brain has a smaller ‘bandwidth’. With that smaller bandwidth the brain learns to narrow its focus on the most relevant info. The mind becomes less cluttered and more efficient. That is the state of the brain when we perform at out highest level no matter how big the moment may be. Please go say hello and play at Greg’s Avant’s course, Lone Tree Golf Club in Chandler, AZ, 

After training Dominant/Weak eyes. Greg Avant shares how his body responds after Strobe Training.

After hitting about 30-35 balls with the Strobe Glasses, half with weak eye occluded and half with dominant eye occluded Greg Avant provides his feedback to Ben Weir after training with the Strobe Glasses. Greg is already an advanced, elite player with a strong mental game. He shares how he can elevate his focus and feel and become more efficient with his brain. Quiet the body and trust yourself.

After pulling the 3 putts from about 5 feet Ben tries again without the glasses. Hear his feedback.

Ben Weir, Southwest PGA Professional, takes the same 3 putts at 5 feet with the Strobe Glasses off. With the Strobe Glasses he pulled his putts to the left. Ben says this is usually where he misses his putts. After training with glasses Ben no longer is pulling his putts left. The brain has made an adjustment when he has the glasses off. Focus has improved and giving his brain better info about the putt. When the brain has better info it can more consistently put the body in a position for success. Strobe Training Glasses quiets the brain and quiets the body. When the brain get just the relevant info/stimuli it needs it becomes more efficient. No other thoughts clutter the brain but only what is needed. This quiet mind and quiet body is how elite athlete perform in even the most critical moments.

After training with Strobe Glasses, Ben Weir, putts from 30+ feet with great results

Ben Weir, Southwest PGA Professional, putts without the Strobe Glasses after training with them in the previous video. The results after 3 putts from 30+ feet is 1 out of 3 is holed out. The other 2 putts were within 18 inches. The PGA tour average for 1 out of 3 holed putts in around 12 feet. Ben beat the PGA average by 3x. Free up the mind by having better focus allows the brain to move the body in a position to be successful. He also mentions he can tell right away that his posture is improved. The Strobe Glasses makes the brain have to find a way to succeed. It changes your body posture. It makes the eyes focus better and give the brain better ‘food’. Quiet the brain and quiet the body. That is the state of mind/body that at which elite athletes perform. Get your brain out of the way of you being successful.

Ben Weir rolls 3 foot putts with the Strobe Glasses, increase difficulty and provides feedback

With the Strobe Glasses on and with a level 150ms of occlusion alternating with 100ms of clarity Ben rolls 3 foot putts. These can be difficult putts but should be made more frequently by the amateur golfer. He moves location and increase the occlusion (difficulty) to 210ms and later 280ms. Ben shares his experience about pulling the 3 putts. Ben has a propensity to miss putts by pulling them. Next video he rolls similar 3 foot putt with the glasses off. Listen to his feedback.

Golf Chipping with Strobe Training Glasses

PGA Pro Greg Avant chips off the green with the Strobe Training Glasses while Ben Weir instructs him. He has Greg change locations, change wedges, and gives him different lies to him from. The last 5 balls he puts Greg through the mode that alternates the occlusion from right to left. This is the most difficult mode. At this point Greg is only trying to make good contact and feel his body align better. Ben tells Greg, “wait till you get your eyes back”, and “becomes like a video game”, “almost a joke”, once he gets his eyes back. Check out the next video with Greg chipping without the Strobe Training Glasses.

With out Strobe Glasses Ben Weir warms up with 3 putts of 30 feet.

Ben Weir, Southwest PGA Professional warms up by taking 3 putts from 30+ feet. Next video he makes similar putts with the Strobe Glasses on a level of 105ms of occlusion alternating with 100ms of clarity. The glasses make 2 things happen to the athlete. First, it makes the brain work faster. That means that the brain is getting more info and getting it sooner. Second, it makes the brain have to focus better. That means processing relevant info/stimuli and ignoring irrelevant info/stimuli. When the brain gets better info it can move the body in a position for success. Irrelevant info gets in the way of the brain telling the body how to move. Better info allows the brain to be more efficient.

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