How To Improve Your Clay Shooting Score with These Expert Tips

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Sporting clays is an enthusiastic sport, but it also comes with its challenges. One day you may have all the boldness and confidence to break clays, but another day even the easiest targets might be impossible to break. Maybe you have many distractions in your life that make success more difficult and the sporting days less enjoyable than they should be. Luckily, you do not have to feel this way every time you visit the shooting station.

Improve Your Clay Shooting Score

Constant practice and improvement will help you perfect your skills and make sporting clays more enjoyable. Here are expert tips to guide you.

Training and Concentration

Clay shooting is a physically and mentally engaging sport. You need to maintain high concentration levels during all movement on and off the platform. Once you are on the clay shooting station, your focus should only be on the sport because other thoughts will make you lose concentration. High concentration levels and quick reflexes significantly impact your physical effort as it enhances the ability to maintain a stance and support the shotgun’s weight. Also, you can practice clay shooting together with other sports that build muscular strength and stamina. You’ll improve your concentration and shoot more clays.

Keep Your Eyes on the Target

You should keep in mind that your clay shooting ability depends on your hand-eye coordination. That’s why keeping your eye on the target is the most important thing. Do not focus on the barrel, as it might distract your brain. The sooner you pick up the target the sooner you can process where you need to aim and shoot. Strobe Sport glasses will train the brain to see faster and more efficiently.

It’s also important to identify your dominant eye. Strobe Sport glasses allow you to block out a single eye and shoot with just one eye clear. If you’re left-handed, you can switch the dominant eye to the right, and if you’re right-handed, you need to close the left eye before shooting. You can identify the dominant eye by identifying the eye that dominates your field of vision. You can then train it to focus on the target until it is second nature to you.

Be Safety Conscious

Safety must be a priority to protect yourself from injuries that could have a long-term impact on your life. You should have the right protective gear for your eyes and ears. Strobe Sport Tactical Glasses have ballistic rated lenses so you should feel confident about protecting your eyes. You should also keep your muzzle pointed to the ground until you’re ready to take a shot. Also, it’s vital to practice with an unloaded gun. In this case, be sure to keep the gun in the same position as your face, as it will help you perfect your skill without safety risks.

Avoid Boxing

Movement efficiency allows you to make quicker and more consistent shots. There are two techniques to mount a shotgun. The pre-mount technique requires you to stock fully against the cheekbone and into the soft shoulder pocket, then call for the target. It’s commonly used if the targets are repetitive. In low gun sporting clays, the target comes from anywhere, so you need both eyes to focus on the target and follow the best break point.

 The above tips will help you improve your clay shooting scores. However, do not underestimate the importance of Strobe Sport eyewear in improving focus and helping you see clearer. They quicken your reaction time and obscure your vision, meaning you have to intake more information faster and process it quickly. See faster and score higher.

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